Functional network dynamics: Recent mathematical perspectives

Organizers: Date and place:

17th July 2019
Room B2, historical building of University of Barcelona
CNS 2019 in Barcelona (Spain)


This workshop focuses on functional aspects of collective dynamical phenomena in neuronal networks. It gathers a series of speakers who have studied biological neuronal networks with the aim of relating structure and dynamics to functions. The goal is to combine (computational) neuroscience with machine learning, statistical mechanics, information theory and graph analysis. It will be of great interest for the traditional audience of CNS.
In practice, we want to present progress in various exciting directions, such as low-dimensional dynamical manifolds, geometrical aspects of learning and representations, classification on data manifolds, learning in dynamic and spiking systems, and correlated activity as distributed representations.
The workshop is timely because recent experimental progress in simultaneous recordings of many neurons (e.g. dense electrode arrays) requires advances in mathematical neuroscience to interpret the coming data. We aim to review new perspectives for network-oriented analyses of neuronal activity by leading young researchers in the field.
